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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 5, 2022


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  CASTELLION OBJECTIVE OF CASTELLION:  The objective of Castellion is to pass all three exams and protect the castle from the invasions.  NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  1 to 2 Players  MATERIALS:  72 Defender Tiles, 24 Ordeal Cards, 12 Traitor Tiles, 2 Player Aids, 1 Champion of the Oniverse Card, 1 Menace Pawn, and Instructions  TYPE OF GAME :  Cooperative Tile Placement Game  AUDIENCE:  Ages 10 and Up  OVERVIEW OF CASTELLION   The castle found in the middle of the Oniverse is now under attack. The players, or denizens, must build up their castle defense in order to protect against three monster attacks. Everyone has special powers, but there are traitors found within the walls of the castle. Will the players be able to stand against the battle that is yet to come?  SETUP   To begin setup, place the 1 st  Exam card and 2 nd  Exam card on the table, faceup between the two players. Shuffle all of the 3 rd  Exam cards an...


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  BLOOM TOWN OBJECTIVE OF BLOOM TOWM:  The objective of Bloom Town is to be the player with the most Bloom Points when the game comes to an end.   NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  2 to 4 Players  MATERIALS:  70 Bloom Point Tokens, 10 Community Tiles, 65 Building Tiles, 1 First Player Marker, 4 Bonus Tokens, 4 Town Boards, 1 Game Board, and Instructions  TYPE OF GAME :  Tile Placement Board Game  AUDIENCE:  Ages 8 and Up  OVERVIEW OF BLOOM TOWN   Bloom Town has made it through the winter, and spring is upon them! It is time to aid in the revitalization of the neighborhood and really make it Bloom! Players act as architects, constructing various buildings and attractions. The goal is to become the mayor of Bloom Town, and this title can only be won by the most creative individual in the group!  SETUP   To begin the game, a certain number of Building tiles have to be removed from the game, depending on the number of players. For two,...


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  BLACK ANGEL OBJECTIVE OF BLACK ANGEL:  The objective of Black Angel is to be the player with the most VP when the game comes to an end.  NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  1 to 4 Players  MATERIALS:  1 Gameboard, 4 Player Boards, 7 Space Strips, 1 Frigate Figurine, 20 Ships, 64 Robots, 18 Dice, 12 Beginning Technology Cards, 48 Technology Cards, 16 Advanced Technology Cards, 60 Mission Cards, 30 Ravager Cards, 8 Discs, 40 Resources, 30 Damage Cubes, 1 Starter Player Token, 12 Cards for Hal, 4 Player Aids, and Instructions  TYPE OF GAME :  Hand Management Board Game  AUDIENCE:  Ages 12 and Up  OVERVIEW OF BLACK ANGEL   The Black Angel project has been formed as a last stitch effort to save humanity. Humans have destroyed the planet Earth, making it virtually uninhabitable. Now, the genetic heritage of humanity is in the hands of various robots, each from a different country, and each with their own agenda, get to an inhabitable planet and be the ...


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  BRONZE OBJECTIVE OF BRONZE:  The objective of Bronze is to be the player with the highest number of Victory Points when the game comes to an end.   NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  2 to 4 Players  MATERIALS:  1 Gameboard, 70 Technology Cards, 120 Settlement Markers, 50 City Cards, 21 Trade Route Tokens, 12 Province Tokens, First Player Marker, and Instructions  TYPE OF GAME :  Area Control Board Game  AUDIENCE:  Ages 12 and Up  OVERVIEW OF BRONZE   Bronze takes place during the Bronze age, when the size of your army determined your future. The players act as different colonial leaders, each with the same goal. They want to give their people a better, brighter future, and the only way to do that is to take as much land as they can, all while building a great empire. Players must not only conquer lands, but they must also invest things, tame animals, construct buildings, and lay the foundations of statehood.  vật tự nông nghiệp SETUP ...


Hình ảnh
  DOIN’ THE MOST OBJECTIVE: The objective of Doin’ The Most is to be the first to reach 5 cards (and get drunk). NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 4+ Players CONTENTS: 120 cards (3 decks), 1 die, instructions, and a DTM sticker. TYPE OF GAME: Competitive-Improv Drinking Card Game. AUDIENCE: 21 and over. OVERVIEW Doin’ The Most players compete each round to earn the card by impressing the rotating Judge (Shot Caller) using wit, inside jokes, and pop culture references. Every card is slang themed, so you’ll learn, remember, and create all the best slang terms along the way. SETUP Shuffle then place all 3 decks face down. Each card will give its own unique instructions.  vật tự nông nghiệp Set a bottle of liquor on the table and each person should have their own drink.  The Three Decks Each deck has a theme full of unique slang-based competitions and dares.  The Big Mouth deck is verbal.  The Drama Queen deck is physical.  And the Extra AF deck is wild. GAMEPLAY The Shot Cal...


Hình ảnh
  RATUKI OBJECTIVE OF RATUKI:  Be the first player to earn 100 points  NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  2 – 5 players  CONTENTS:  175 cards, 5 reference cards  TYPE OF GAME:  Speed Card Game     AUDIENCE:  Ages 7+  INTRODUCTION OF RATUKI   Ratuki is a speedy shedding game in which players are trying to empty their decks as quickly as possible.  Players do not take turns during this game.  Everyone is trying to act as quickly as possible to build up discard piles, collect them, and play all of the cards from their own personal decks.  CONTENTS    There are 5 decks of 35 cards each.  Cards in each deck number 1-5 with a variety of ways to represent the numbers on each card.  For example, a 1 card might have the number one on it, or it might have one hash mark.  Within each deck, there are two Ratuki cards.  These are wild cards that can be used to collect a discard pile at any time during the ...


Hình ảnh
  TAKI OBJECTIVE OF TAKI:  Be the first player to play all of their cards to the discard pile  NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  2 – 10 players  CONTENTS:  116 Cards  TYPE OF GAME:  Hand Shedding Card Game  AUDIENCE:  Ages 6+  INTRODUCTION OF TAKI   Taki is a hand shedding card game that was first published in 1983.  It is considered an advanced version of Crazy 8’s.  What differentiates this game from Eights and UNO is its inclusion of some unique and interesting action cards.  Taki does not have a scoring method.  Rather, the rules include a tournament format that changes how the game is approached by players  CONTENT     Players get a 116 card deck and an instruction booklet out of the box.  There are two cards of each number per color.  Each color also has two copies of the Stop, +2, Change Direction, Plus, and Taki cards.  Colorless action cards include the SuperTaki, King, +3, and ...


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  CLAIM REINFORCEMENTS: MERCENARIES OBJECTIVE OF CLAIM REINFORCEMENT MERCENARIES:  Capture the majority of three or more factions to win the game  NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  2 – 4 players  CONTENTS:  58 cards  TYPE OF GAME:  Trick Taking Card Game  AUDIENCE:  Ages 10+  INTRODUCTION OF CLAIM REINFORCEMENTS: MERCENARIES   Claim and Claim 2 are trick taking card games for 2 – 4 players.  Claim Reinforcements: Mercenaries is one of many expansions that allow players to customize their game deck.      The Mercenaries expansion includes four new factions: Heroes, Elves, Orcs, and Cyclops.  There are also bonus cards included in this pack.  These cards are used as modifier tokens for cards that have their rank adjusted by special powers.       CONTENTS   There are 18 heroes included in this box.  At the beginning of the game, five of the Hero faction cards will g...